Claire and Cristhian in Quito on bicycle con los jovenes de Sol de Primavera

The Tour and the Objective

On this trans-national bike tour, we will travel more than 5,000 miles (8,046+ km) from Santiago, Chile to Quito, Ecuador (and possibly beyond). This tour is not just a personal challenge for us, but will also be educational and open to many more people to be involved in various ways. We will stop at NGOs, bike activist organizations and environmentally focused community groups along the way to interview, investigate, give presentations and share information on the movement for the bicycle as alternative transportation. We wish to exchange ideas and stories about climate change and the movements that have formed to address its root causes (such as car culture, industrial agrigulture, consumer culture and colonialism).

Our goal is to do research and collect stories on bike cultures and movements in order disperse them and help the cross-fertilization of various movements by creating resources of information and promoting networking between towns, cities and countries.

We will have a focus on the bicycle as a cheap, accessible, autonomous and environmentally-friendly form of transportation and sport that can be one tangible and practical way to help mitigate climate change. We will be exploring the ways in which we can get more people riding—especially women and other people who aren’t encouraged to ride and have less access to bikes—in order to increase the quality of life for all and promote climate justice.

En este tour transnacional vamos a pedalear en bici más de 5,000 millas (8,046 Km.) desde Santiago, Chile hasta Quito, Ecuador (y quizás más allá). Este tour no es solo un reto personal para nosotros, es educativo y abierto a mucha mas gente para que pueda unirse al proyecto de diferentes maneras. Vamos a ir a ONGs, organizaciones de bici activistas y organizaciones comunitarias ambientalistas a lo largo de viaje para entrevistar, investigar, dar exposiciones y compartir información sobre el movimiento de la bicicleta como transporte alternativo. Querremos compartir ideas e historias sobre el cambio climático y los movimientos que se han formado para luchar contra las razones fundamentales (como la cultura del auto, agricultura industrial, la cultura de consumismo y colonialismo).

Nuestro objetivo es hacer investigaciones y recolectar historias sobre culturas y movimientos de la bici para que podamos dispersarlos y ayudar la cruz-polinización de varios movimientos, creando un recurso de información y promover redes entre pueblos, ciudades y países.

Vamos a tener un enfoque en la bicicleta como una forma de transporte, deporte económico, accesible, autónomo y ambientalista, que puede ser una manera tangible y practica para mitigar el cambio climático. Vamos a explorar las maneras en que podemos tener más gente pedaleando, especialmente mujeres y gente marginalizada, para aumentar la calidad de vida para todas y todos y promoviendo la justicia climática.

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Thank you!

Mucisimas Gracias… Many thanks!

We just wanted to write and say how touching the response to our call for help was. Thank you to each and every person who donated, you have been so supportive. It means so much to us. THANK YOU!

Claire and Cristhian

P.S. … And if you haven´t yet donated and are wondering if your donation is still needed, it is—it´s not too late! Thank you.

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